
The Twenty Twenty default WordPress theme was included in WordPress 5.3 and ported over to Frontity so you can use it in a headless setup as well. You can check out its code and structure on this GitHub repository and find it on npm.

These are some of the key features included in this theme:

Accessibility Ready

The theme is accessible and screen-reader friendly. We added the proper landmarks, roles and labels. We also paid attention to trap focus within modals, ensure focus indicator is visible for all interactive elements.

Custom Colors

You can give your site or blog a personal touch by changing the background colors, text colors and primary/accent color in the theme settings. You change the color in one place, all visual elements get updated.


The theme comes with a built-in search box to make it easy for your readers to look for specific content. Search box is powered by the robust and performant search engine built into WordPress.

Featured Images

Show beautiful featured images for your blog posts. Frontity uses the featured image uploaded to WordPress and renders it on every blog post. You can also opt out of this in the theme settings.

Content Prefetch

You can prefetch page for any link to provide an almost instant user experience. All you need do is to change your settings to prefetch pages when the user "hovers" on a link, when the link is visible on screen, or prefetch all links on the current page.


Frontity's theme has the same pagination as the original WordPress theme. This way you can have access to different pages in the footer, and navigate easily between pages.


You can check out all the features in this theme demo or even in the Frontity blog.


In this theme, apart from changing the colors, you can select other options. You can configured it via the frontity.settings.js file. The theme options can be specified in the state.theme property.

Here you have an example of a possible configuration (each setting is explained later in detail):

  name: "@frontity/twentytwenty-theme",
  state: {
    theme: {
      menu: [
        ["Home", "/"],
        ["Nature", "/category/nature/"],
        ["Travel", "/category/travel/"],
        ["Japan", "/tag/japan/"],
        ["About Us", "/about-us/"]
      colors: {
        primary: "#E6324B",
        headerBg: "#ffffff",
        footerBg: "#ffffff",
        bodyBg: "#f5efe0"
      showSearchInHeader: true,
      showAllContentOnArchive: false,
      featuredMedia: {
        showOnArchive: true,
        showOnPost: true
      autoPreFetch: "hover",
      fontSets: "us-ascii"

All the settings that can be set under state.theme and their description:

API Reference



It changes state.theme.isMobileMenuOpen to true, so it opens the mobile menu.


It changes state.theme.isMobileMenuOpen to false, so it closes the mobile menu.


It changes state.theme.isSearchModalOpen to true, so it opens the search bar.


It changes state.theme.isSearchModalOpen to false, so it closes the search bar.


This theme doesn't have its own libraries, but it includes the image processor of @frontity/html2react, so all the <img> tags are converted into the <Image /> component.

Last updated