
Comscore Analytics package for Frontity.

Table of Contents


npm i @frontity/comscore-analytics


The namespace for this package is comscoreAnalytics.

Every Comscore account has a Tracking ID. To connect the package with a specific account (or accounts) set the following properties in the frontity.settings.js file:

  • state.comscoreAnalytics.trackingId: to specify just one tracking ID

  • state.comscoreAnalytics.trackingIds: to specify a list of tracking ID's

export default {
  packages: [
      name: "@frontity/comscore-analytics",
      state: {
        comscoreAnalytics: {
          trackingId: "34567890",
export default {
  packages: [
      name: "@frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics",
      state: {
        comscoreAnalytics: {
          trackingIds: ["34567890", "56789012"],


The @frontity/comscore-analytics package can co-exist with any of the other analytics packages such as @frontity/google-analytics and @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics. Once these analytics packages have been properly installed and configured their actions will be centralized by the analytics namespace.

  • actions.analytics.pageview will take into account settings in state.analytics.pageviews

  • actions.analytics.event will take into account settings in state.analytics.events

Read more about how to use Analytic packages here.


If @frontity/comscore-analytics is configured and enabled for pageviews, every time a link changes (or every time action.router.set(link) is launched) tracking information for that page will be sent to Google Analytics.


This package doesn't actually track events for Comscore so any call of the method actions.analytics.event() will have no effect for this service.

Last updated

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